Request a Volunteer

Marion Resourcers make up a volunteer corps trained to conduct outreach on waste prevention, repair, food waste, greener cleaners and toxics reduction, recycling and composting . To become a Certified Marion Resourcer, they must volunteer 15 education and outreach hours.
Marion Resourcers can:
Staff an information booth.
Provide a presentation in-person or over a webinar.
Help with a waste audit.
Write a waste prevention article for your newsletter.
Support organizing a reuse or community swap event.
Join as a board member.
Join an event planning committee as the recovery planner.
Plan and implement recycling, composting or waste prevention at an event.
Train and supervise your volunteers and/or vendors to manage recycling and compost at your event.
Join ongoing projects.
The mission of the program is outreach and education. Therefore, Marion Resourcers cannot stand at waste stations and direct participants to sort waste, nor can they haul waste or sort inventory as their primary role. To recruit volunteers to staff recycling stations, try Hands on Greater Portland, CNRG, Craig’s list, Volunteer Match, Idealist or other volunteer sites.
Marion Resourcers choose the volunteer opportunities that best fit their schedules, locations, and interests. The program cannot guarantee that a volunteer will sign up for any particular event. The Marion Resourcer program notifies volunteers about opportunities through an online calendar, social media and direct emails.
If you would like to have a volunteer opportunity posted for Marion Resourcers, please complete the request form below.
Please note, we do not conduct a background check on Marion Resourcers. You can indicate if you would like them to submit to a background check before volunteering.
Please indicate if your request is in-person or online.