8 Food Waste Prevention Tips
Check out digital resources from Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Did you know Americans are throwing away an estimated $165 BILLION worth of food every year!? Not only does this hit your pocketbook hard, but our planet even harder. Oregon's Department of Environmental Quality offers a great resource, with tips and tricks on how to prevent food waste. From properly storing food to properly preserving fresh produce, we can all make a difference and save a buck (or two)! Check out the following tips to reduce your food waste and learn to love your leftovers!
2. Try Meal Planning to Reduce Food Waste at Home
Food waste is a major component of residential waste in Marion County (25% of what’s thrown away on average). Oregon DEQ performed a study of food thrown away in Oregon and found over 60% of food scraps were still edible (non-peels or inedible egg shells). Luckily, this leaves massive opportunity for further food waste reduction. Everyone has the power to reduce food waste every day in their own lives. Meal planning can help. While it can look intimidating, these tips can keep it useful to you and your family:
☑️ Plan based on your schedule – if you know you’ll be busy one night, try doubling a recipe to have two meals ready to go. Mark the days you’re going to eat out first, then plan the rest of your meals for the days that are left.
☑️ Pick a day to go grocery shopping – having a time set aside to shop can help you stick to your list of what you need, and it saves time and energy when you’re tired at the end of the day.
☑️ Don’t forget your leftovers – if you know a beloved meal makes a bunch of servings, schedule the leftovers into your meal plans.
3. Keep Meal Planning Interesting Throughout the Week
These meal planning tips relate to spicing up your food waste routine to keep meals fresh, fun and exciting!
☑️ Try themed days – if you love pasta, pick a day each week to make it. Taco Tuesdays are always a hit, or pick a night each week to eat up all the leftovers in your fridge.
☑️ Pick one new recipe each week – planning what you eat doesn’t have to be boring. Mixing a new recipe into your rotation keeps cooking interesting, but not as overwhelming as trying totally new meals all the time.
☑️ Don’t be afraid to copy – if you have a go-to takeout meal, try recreating it at home. This can be a fun way to save money and try something new.
4. Donate Extra Food Before it Can Go Bad
Is your pantry overflowing with more food than you know what to do with? Don't let that food go to waste! Donate your extra or unwanted food to Marion Polk Food Share! This program gets food to people in need, right here in Marion County. Learn more about how to donate from Marion Polk Food Share at https://marionpolkfoodshare.pulse.ly/lyefweqaib
5. Turn Leftovers into New Meals
Transform leftovers into something new and exciting! You don't have to dread eating the same thing again and again – take those staples and turn them into delicious new dishes! Rice, pasta, and even cooked veggies can provide the perfect springboard for soups, casseroles and more. With a little bit of creativity, you can enjoy tasty, cost-saving meals while reducing food waste! Check out Oregon DEQ's food waste prevention website to learn more. https://dontletgoodfoodgobad.org/
6. Know What You Have in Your Fridge
Preventing food waste does not have to be complicated - the best action you can take is to eat the food you purchase. While it sounds simple, it isn't always easy. Here's some tips to help eat food before it goes bad:
☑️ Go through your fridge and pantry before grocery shopping to avoid buying duplicates.
☑️ Consider switching to clear storage containers to make leftovers and ingredients visible.
☑️ Keep a list of meals in your fridge and freezer - making meals ahead saves time and money, but only if you eat the prepared food before it goes bad.
Check out Oregon DEQ's food waste prevention website to learn more.
7. Try Creating an “Eat Me First” Box
When you're trying to be mindful of food waste, it's important to make the right amount to prevent having more leftovers than you can eat. In doing so, sometimes you can end up with bits and pieces of food that will need to be used another time. Instead of losing this food to the depths of your fridge before you can use them in another meal, try setting up an "Eat Me" box. Extra leftover bits and pieces of food are in one easy and convenient place, and you can see them (and use them) before they go bad. You can add almost empty sauces, open containers, pieces of produce like garlic cloves or half onions, as well as any food that may expire soon. Save money and help our environment by helping to prevent food waste.
8. Shop Smart to Save Money and Prevent Waste
Check out these tips to shop smart and prevent the food you buy from going to waste:
☑️ Have a list based on your meal plan. Lists can help you keep track of what you’re eating this week, and prevent you from buying food you won’t eat.
☑️ Check out the bulk section in grocery stores. Buying food staples in bulk can help keep your pantry stocked without unnecessary packaging or extra trips to the grocery store. And despite the name, you can buy unique food items in small quantities so you buy the exact amount you need for a recipe.
☑️ Buy what you need, and in quantities that you know you'll eat. Buying two apples individually instead of in a pack of five can help you keep food from ending up in the trash.
Food waste is one of our biggest environmental challenges, but it also presents the opportunity for everyone to make a difference in their own lives.
How do you prevent food waste? Let us know in the comments!