Marion County Kits and Resources
Pickup Location: Marion County Public Works 5155 Silverton Rd NE Salem, OR 97305
Contact to borrow kits: Dakota Tangredi, dtangredi@co.marion.or.us 971-375-8906
All kits include: pens and pencils, transport wagon, Marion Resourcer table cloth, clipboard to capture names and emails, clicker to track interactions, kit cheat sheet (insert pick of this set-up)
Waste Prevention, Garbage, Recycling & Compost
Key messages: what goes in recycling and garbage, small red/blue basket, and mixed organics carts. Glass on the Side. No Plastic Bags. Only two types of plastic are accepted. Think ‘size’ and ‘shape’. When in doubt throw it out. Top Five Contamination Offenders.
Literature: residential recycle guides; residential mixed organics and red bin guides; film drop off info; bottle drop info; recycling modernization info. Prizes – recycled Crazy Crayons; stickers.
Includes: recycling display and extra bin, compost green bin.
Optional: encourage people to drop a ball down the plinko board, which will land on an item. Ask people if they can put the item in the recycling.
Optional: encourage people to drop a ball down the plinko board, which will land on an item. Ask people about waste prevention tips and recycling.
Food Waste Reduction
Key messages: Don’t Let Good Food Go Bad. Average family spends $1,600 in waste food annually. Eat your food first + source reduction. Compost is the last option. Shop with meals in mind. Prep now and eat later. Store food properly. Eat what you buy. Track your food waste.
Literature: wheel with food related questions, fridge storage info, food storage guide, food waste zine for youth, Don’t Let Good Food Go Bad graphics, food recipe cards.
Includes: wheel/plinko with food related questions, compost bin, food waste stickers.
Optional: encourage people to drop a ball down the plinko board, which will land on an item. Ask people about food waste tips to avoid spoilage.
Marion Resourcers Recruitment
Key messages: Join the movement! We’re calling all activists, advocates, and allies to join the movement to reduce waste and protect our environment. Today’s environment is challenging us all to rethink how we manage the materials in our everyday life. We love recyclers—but we truly celebrate those who repurpose, revamp, recondition, and restore. Take a free 6-week volunteering training on materials and sustainability. Field trips and meals included free. Two public trainings held each year (Fall and Spring).
Includes: Marion Resourcer Movement posters (2), resourcers branded tablecloth, recruitment email clipboard, join the movement flyer, resourcer table cloth, QR code sign-up and MRM website link.
Optional: waste less items, plinko board to ask questions on materials and resources in Marion County.
Toxics and Green Cleaners
Key messages: it is safer and easier to make your own cleaners, learn how to read labels, what to do with HHW. Also understanding signal words like Danger and Warning. Pro’s and Con’s of Dr Bronner’s vs Murphy’s Oil.
Literature: green cleaner recipe booklets; Household Hazardous Collection Events flyers; Metro coupons for disposal of toxics; and Metro magnets.
Includes: green cleaner display board and materials to make one of three greener cleaners: Soft Scrub, Ant Bait or All Purpose Cleaner. Also includes a Safety Data Sheet Binder for all products on display.
ResourceFul Marion…Coming Soon
Key messages: Ideas for making simple changes in everyday choices. Save More, Live More. Share tips and resources so people can 1) Buy smart, 2) Reuse, 3) Borrow & Share and 4) Fix & Maintain. These actions can help save money, support the community, conserve natural resources, and leave people with more time to enjoy with friends and family. Life transitions like moving and a growing family, are good times to seek alternatives for reducing waste.
Includes: Be Resourceful floor banner; interactive map display with a focus on four categories to show where people can go for resources, plus color coded pieces and dry erase pens; clicker; pens.